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Huna Happenings Archive











Around the World

updated on the first of January, March, May, July, September and November

Huna Happenings is a forum in which you can share your Huna-related activities. Please let us know what you've been up to! Email

From Alakai Gisela Glaser: One of the participants of my "Practicing Huna" class had a great experience with Dynamind. Her ophthalmologist diagnosed in one eye a vitreous detachment and proposed a laser treatment. In the two or three weeks until that laser treatment, she did Dynamind with the power statement "My body has the power to heal itself." When she came to that appointment, the laser treatment wasn't necessary! The vitreous detachment didn't exist no more! She is wonderfully happy about that success - me too!

As you know I work with disabled children at standard kindergartens. At the moment I'm working with an autistic boy. The first few weeks were rather hard for me - and him. Then I recalled my knowledge of Huna! Every morning before I left my home, I did the Dynamind Toner, La'akea (with green or golden light) and filled the entire kindergarten with green or golden fog. The change is very impressive! The boy is becoming calmer and we have fewer conflicts. One morning I felt like getting a cold and I just stayed longer in bed and forgot my rituals. That day was like the days at the beginning!!

From Candidate Margrit Strauss: Experience with Healing Forms: In my daily work I use almost for every client the already described little Circles along the Spine often with movement and with the Keyword Heal! This helps to source out Skolioses, Pain and Tension so the Spine is always in a better Balance and Position. For this I use a hold one hand on the area of the Sacrum and Coccygis the cranial hand light with two fingers on the top of the head, so I have the Spine between my hands.

This month I found out with the same handhold and as an addition to the little Circles for every Segment in the Spine, that very helpfull is also to imagine all over the client's body big Circles in that way as a CD- Scanner would make the tours around. The body is in a very dense row of big Circles. With this imagination is comming a information where in the Circles is harmony and where there is imbalance, like no movement on one side of the body In this case I imagine movement in the circle away from the dense side to the other lighter side and use the keyword Heal!, I do so till all Circles are in a harmony and nicely balanced, often with movement and for all with the Keyword Heal!

This procedure helped a female client 45 of years with a presentation of Skolioses before the treatment after the treatment as described Skolioses was gone. Also it helped a 92 years old men with pain in the frontal side of his upper legs, the pain was gone after the treatment and it was in about 10 min treated. Also after the treatment like described I imagine for the client a square in the upper body so in the thorax and balance the square and say stabilize! I do this to stabilize the result.

I treated with Healing Forms a tooth. I layed on the tip of what I felt the problem is a Healing Circle and the pain did not go away but it was relieved.

You did ask me if the bigger Circles would be like Cd s and I answered with yes. But what I experienced so far in five cases was this: I have the handhold one hand under the coccygis-sacrum the other hand a light touch with the fingers on top of the head. Then I imagine always first the little circles for the spine. When I imagine Circles like a Cd (they are really like a CD in my Imagination) then I experienced always a strong lengthening effect on the spine. Lengthening downwards and upwards no other movement but this as a very strong sensation.

When I imagine after the little ones big circles more light like a little hoola hoop even more fine just as big as the person is and often with a green light this is also new and I add movement from the side that appear with more density to the contralateral side, I get more an balancing effect on the spine what works really super on people with skoliosis.

Some more cases:

A young woman about 20 years old had a spine that showed a skolioses straight diametral to the left out of middline. So she had problems with her upper neck and felt always to fall on the left side what in fact she presented and had to balance that. The doctor I am working with asked me if I would have a concept to treat that. So I treated here with Healing Forms. With the handhold I have described and imagined for her little and hoola hoop like circles, asked them to heal added green light on the circles and gave them movement till they where nicely balanced. This took about ten minutes. Then she stood up. The resultat was amazing. The spine was oriented to her middline and almost there. The young woman could`t see it, but she said that she had not to balance her weight anymore like before and the tension in the neck was gone. The doctor witnessed the result of the treatment and was happy too.

A 50 years old men presented himself with a certain pain in the shoulder caused from a Prolaps, for which he was good examined and treated. I imagined the little Healing Circles first. In the Area where the Prolaps is they appeared thicker and more dense and with a sensation of heat and almost with too much movement. To the little Circles I added the bigger Healing Circles that covers the body all around. I balanced all the Circles under each other. I slowed down the little Circles letter them stand still with all the others with this they lost heat and density asked them to heal and waited till they stabilized. After the treatment was about 25 minutes the men had the sensation of something good - this is what he said-in the area where he had pain before.

A 60 years old woman felt not good she had a pain like a girdle around her thorax because she has Cholelithiasis. I imagined the Circles the little and the big had again more Aktivity in the Segment where she felt not good. Further I didn`t know how to help so I asked the gall bladder and it appeared in it a big circle I added Heal!. While I did so the radiating and the pain in the back was gone. The Activity of all Circles was calm and the same.

From Alakai Hildegard Keppels: My work went on as usual with regular monthly Huna-meetings on different topics, including sharing, information and practicing. At the end of the year we celebrated a Ritual to complete our experiences of the old year with appreciating, being grateful, forgiving and releasing and setting intends for the New Year. I had already offered it in a similar way one year before and some people came again, others were there for the first time. We were 16 people and it was a very ceremonial, inspiring and supporting event. (This was the occasion where we sang "Keep Your Focus" and people wanted to sing it again and again.)

The first Urban Shaman Online Course (Sept-Dec 2011) was very demanding and rewarding work for me as I already mentioned in my latest report. Feedback of the people was that they learned and understood a lot and that my comments were often very useful to them. Some wrote a feedback to you as the author of the Urban Shaman, you can read it here:

"Thank you very much for this wonderful book. It`s great that you share your in-depth knowledge to everybody. Aloha Doris."

"I would like to say Thank you" for the chance to get a spiritual view with a lot of ideas and workable possiblities in our western civilization. I feel much more rich after reading and learning with your book. Aloha! Julie."

"I love it. The seven principles are for me the seven keys for happyness. Mahalo! Katinka."

I love continuous projects that accompany my everyday life and I'm glad the second course started 4 weeks ago. It is less work for me as the course has been set up and experienced once, I am more relaxed with it than I was the first time and can enjoy it even more. I have 5 participants this time and the questions they ask are challenging sometimes and I'm learning and improving my knowledge. As I invite them to practice every exercise or method that is explained and share experiences, some are going through tremendous changes and it is a challenge for me to support them on their path, communicating through written language - and it works.

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