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Hunamail 2006


Around the World

updated on the first of January, March, May, July, September and November

Huna Happenings is a forum in which you can share your Huna-related activities. Please let us know what you've been up to! Email

Serge has been very busy with his books. Imagineering For Health has just been published in a new edition with new stories and techniques; Dangerous Journeys was published in May with a big publicity event in Poland; and movies rights to the same book have just been sold. Your good wishes for its success will be very welcome.

Alakais Marta Motak of Poland and Susan Pa'iniu Floyd were featured in a Polish magazine. For more photos click here.

From Alakai Candidate Gisela Glaser's newsletter: "As you know the first days of May the weather was warm and after that long winter the pollen flew all at once. So many people had allergies. And in all of the papers and on TV was the subject, how awful the pollen is and how people suffer. Once a moderator called the birch tree his enemy. So I decided to write something about pollen and allergies from the Huna point of view. Briefly:
The world is ... You can look at nature and see war or love.
Pollen doesn't attack people. You can look at pollen as a symbol of love: The trees want new trees to grow, so we can breath the oxygen. Grain provides itself as food for us.
People react to pollen in different ways.
Criticism causes allergies.

From Susan Pa'iniu Floyd:
The Shaman Hui are being reactivated. Shamans from all over the world have answered our call to help and will be connecting to each other this month to begin pooling their energies to help heal our planet. There is plenty of room for anyone to join, since cyberspace has no limits either! As soon as we have feedback from individual groups we will post them. Mahalo to all who have or will respond! (See article from May Update)

Poland held outstanding Kino Mana Retreats at a new center east of Warsaw. Each class had 30 students which amplified the energy field we all worked in and sped up the process of learning too! Back in Warsaw, an evening of Hula brought out 60 dancers, many of whom were men. Everyone could experience the healing power of the movements and the stories our bodies and hearts were sharing.

New was the theme also in Switzerland. A kino Mana class was held on the Lake of Thun in the proximity of Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau alps. Talk about energy! We greeted the sun every morning at the lake and had time amidst the intense bodywork to travel to Trummelbach Falls, waterfalls inside the mountains which you can take a lift to experience up close. Was it water falling, or a subway train approaching? Intense vibrations either way!

And again in Germany, a new center, also in the Black Forest, but this time where everyone could live and eat together. The center was a gem of a place, with each building and each room designed and furnished in total harmony. The builder knew some esotheric stuff even 2 generations ago! It was a nice suprise to taste home grown food, picked just outside your window, each meal. I loved it so much, I didn't even mind being a vegetarian again!

palm isle