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Hunamail 2005


Around the World

updated on the first of January, March, May, July, September and November

Huna Happenings is a forum in which you can share your Huna-related activities. Please let us know what you've been up to! Email

Aloha from Mariko Kamimura, Tokyo, Japan,

KINO MANA 1 in Japan 2005

We had our 4th annual Kino Mana 1 in Mt.Tsukuba early mid March. The location is about 2 hrs away from central Tokyo.

This time was a special trip, due to weather and the fact that we went up the mountain for the first time. I had chosen this location because the place had such great energy, plus the people were very friendly and the food was excellent full of aloha. Not to mention the great onsen (hot springs). But most of all, the great reason was that this Mt.Tsukuba is actually a twin mountain. One worships Izanagi-no-mikoto, God of male, and the other worships Izanami-no-mikoto, God of female. It was perfect to have this two energy in balance when we are teaching about Huna.

The weather was cold, rainy and windy. The hula we learned from Susan this time was about Laie'ikawai. The special girl who was raised up in the mountain by birds. The weather was just so perfect to go with this song. One misty morning, it felt like we were all Laei ikawai, up in the mountain, hiding from the mundane world, reaching to our higher realms.

Few days later, we had one sunny clear day. Susan suddenly said that we should go up even higher to the top. It became a spiritual journey for all of us. As the song goes "be careful when you go higher, the wind will be very strong" - Make sure your wish is truly what you want. As we go high up, we all silently went into our deep feelings, what we truly wish for.

We first went to the male side. It was a steeper path. We danced three kahiko in the middle, then we went to the female side, which was much more gentle slope. We chanted at the top of the female mountain to worship our goddess within. As we went down, we laughed and talked rejoicing the trip.

The next day was the last day. We had our last session of lomi. Most people felt it was really great idea to get away from the class room and did the spiritual trip up to the top of the mountain. They felt the mana of the mountain and what this lomi is really about. The balance of male energy and female energy. To feel the mana within yourself, to know that you are as great and as big as that tall motherly and fatherly mountains. To feel the aloha, the unconditional love through the beauty of nature.

Mahalo nui loa to Susan, a beautiful and great guide to our spiritual journey.

Blessings to all everywhere!
Wayne Kealohi Powell

We just returned from Hawaii and had a wonderful Kupua Mana Advanced Training in Maui and dolphin swim on Lanai. Patti and I feel so fulfilled by our journey and all the aloha we shared with so many. There were 33 people from 3 continents attending the Advanced Lomilomi and Rebirthing training at Shangri-La Maui. Being the first real advanced training, and the first training I brought to Hawaii, it was the bloom of my career of 10 years of teaching huna and Lomilomi. We are all still growing through this amazing journey.

We will take people to Molokai next year for a shaman adventure through the rain forest, leper colony, and the giant Halawa water falls. I really enjoy turning people on to the Hawaiian islands very much.

From Stewart:

I have been a professional chef, caterer, food manufacturer, entrepreneur, carpenter and sea kayaking guide in my previous years.

I am now transitioning into a life of practicing lomilomi and teaching Huna here in Maine. I am also involved in several organizations that offer support and education in sacred sexuality and sexual healing. It is my intention to use both lomilomi and Huna in service to the enjoyment and celebration of the richness of human life.

From Kaleo:

I am intending to establish a ministry of Huna in the Asheville NC area where I am living. The name of my business is called Pohala Awakening. Pohala to me represents consciousness so it is "consciousness awakening". If you break down the word Pohala, "Po" is dark or night, "la" is sun or light and "ha" is the breath of life - I also see it representing the balance of the Three Selves.

I studied and worked with Native American medicine teachers and have taught and conducted ceremonies, such as an ancient moon ceremony, sweat lodges and pipe ceremonies since the mid 80's; and have been working with Huna for probably about 20 years, mostly informally with the books and tapes of Serge and also with several other teachers in the last few years.

I have also studied and worked with various kumu hula on the mainland and in Hawaii since the late 80's and have taught classes in hula and chant since the early 90's. I am lucky now to be working with Kawaikapuokalani Hewett and Susan Pa'iniu Floyd in Hawaii several times a year.

I am in the process of developing a training bringing all of this together, which is called "Freeing Your True Voice," which will help people to feel more confident in being able to speak up for themselves by connecting more to their inner and outer voice and finding balance and harmony within the Three Selves. Huna and living in the Aloha Spirit is the foundation of all of my work now, and the main tools that I work with is voice and movement. I hope to take "Freeing Your True Voice" into the school system to work with children after it is developed. I am also in the process of setting up an aloha healing circle on Thursday evenings in my house and recording a CD of inspirational songs and chants.

I find life to be very busy but also very exciting right now. Aloha!

Aloha to everybody from Jutta:

Last year I went on an important trip to Paris to meet Serge, Gloria and Susan, and Serge introduced his Urban Shaman in France. It was great to meet old friends and it was also nice to meet a participant from Holland, with whom I had mail-contact for a while about a Kino Mana Seminar. So now we plan again since we finally met and got to know each other. Serge was a wonderful guide through the city and always found the right metro.

After this Susan and I took the plane to Germany and from the airport took my car and drove to Baden Baden to teach Kino Mana III and Hula. We had an excellent group which partly consisted the first time ever of the first students of the teacher group in 2002. So Susan was like a "great-grandmother" and I was the "grandmother".

I was very glad that the students of the Kino Mana Practitioner-and Teacher Seminars stick so good together and send their students back to the source Susan. This is like a close circle. In November I came to Hawaii with the next teacher-group and we were lucky enough to have even more participants from South Africa, Ireland, Japan, Maine and Hawaii. So it was a very international group which came along great.

I was also lucky enough to get into the Healer training from time to time to support the German Students with translation. After that and wonderful Makahiki Susan, me and 2 of our teacher group went to Molokai to do the Hula Intensive with Kumu. Again we had a great center, very nice hosts and staff(!!!) and great teaching, which seemed to be a theme for our group, since Ed Kaiwi, the guardian of a temple site and often as a friend in our group, talked about the same: mainly about Respect to the teacher and the source and discipline. Well, we try our very best.

palm isle